Over the next 28 days, we will invite water to reveal her more unnameable qualities, such as her relationship to the quantum field, the akashic records, and the aether.

We will discover the very soul of water.

Although we are all very familiar with her physical form, her spirit is the subtle aetheric energy which ancients and scientists alike have attempted to describe. And though it remains indescribable, modern discoveries and ancient insights both point us in the direction of revelations that will become clearer and clearer over these 4 weeks of exploration.

What implications does this have on us, as human bodies of water?

What implications does it have for the fields of free energy and power? And our potential trajectory as a society? What becomes possible when the source of life is realized as a medium of the aether, the energy of the vacuum, the energy of the zero point, dark energy?

Be enthralled and inspired by this 28 day journey into possibility.

"I'm not really into science, but this workbook made the most deep quantum concepts so easy to understand, and made them made sense in the context of spiritual wisdom and truths. Isabel always says, water is where spirit and science meet, and THIS workbook literally lays it out all suer clear. It's true, water is the body of the quantum field, and now that I understand what that means, it blows my mind and opens my heart just thinking about it. That we get to drink, and bathe in, and be made of this impossible scientific spiritual miracle it's just crazy. You have to get this workbook, if you're into science or into spirituality either way you're going to love the journal prompts and practices and everything."
~Sarah G. Walters

“If you enjoy pondering the big mysteries of this Universe, then the Aether workbook is for you. This journal will truly open your mind & send your consciousness on a journey of contemplation & discovery, enveloped by a tapestry woven of science & spirituality.”

~Kaya Shannon

Monthly Musing

28 days of wisdom in action, guiding you through a balance of science and practice. This month includes 2 moon rituals and 1 book of the month reading recommendation to further deepen your understanding.

Weekly Waterwork

Each week, you will find one new habit, ritual, practice, or prayer to implement in your life. Habits take time and consistency to build, so schedule this action into the weekly planner on Sunday or Monday to prioritize it for the coming week. At the end of the week, you may decide to keep the habit or let it go. Each is only a suggestion. Try it on and feel it out. Some may become lifelong allies!

Daily Drink

Each day, you'll be offered a short prompt for Musing & Reflection. This is a space to ponder, consider, meditate, percolate, and then jot down or draw whatever arises from the inner waters of your intuitive awareness. These sections may include teachings about the nature of Water, or opportunities to learn directly from Water herself.

🌌 Shift Your Perception of Reality

🌊 Dive into the Quantum field, the Akashic Field, the Aether….

🌀 Discover the Very Soul of Water

The Aether Water Workbook is a 28 day journey into possibility. 

Expect to:

💧Discover the Underlying Patterns Woven Throughout the Cosmos

💧Delve into Research on Orgone, the Implications of Water as an Accumulator such as mitigating toxic EMF radiation and geoengineering

💧Open your Mind with the Weaving of Science & Spirit

💧Explore research on space-time, dark matter, dark energy, dark fluid, the quantum field & Other Cutting-Edge Scientific Research

💧Receive a profound guided meditation with Water

💧Swim the stairways to heaven


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