“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”

~Loren Eiseley

Over the next 28 days, we will invite water into alchemical play and shamanic cocreation.

We'll learn ancient water magic, ritual, ceremony and witchcraft practices.

You'll learn the most effective, powerful and potent techniques, ingredients, elements and timing to craft your own uniquely personal spells, potions and elixirs for magical purposes of any kind.

Through ritual, ceremony, and creative play, water will weave her mystical effects into our lives on all levels.

In the last part of the workbook, you will be given the very first pages and potions for your own water grimoire or book of spells.

Monthly Musing

28 days of wisdom in action, guiding you through a balance of science and practice. This month includes 2 moon rituals and 1 book of the month reading recommendation to further deepen your understanding.

Weekly Waterwork

Each week, you will find one new habit, ritual, practice, or prayer to implement in your life. Habits take time and consistency to build, so schedule this action into the weekly planner on Sunday or Monday to prioritize it for the coming week. At the end of the week, you may decide to keep the habit or let it go. Each is only a suggestion. Try it on and feel it out. Some may become lifelong allies!

Daily Drink

Each day, you'll be offered a short prompt for Musing & Reflection. This is a space to ponder, consider, meditate, percolate, and then jot down or draw whatever arises from the inner waters of your intuitive awareness. These sections may include teachings about the nature of Water, or opportunities to learn directly from Water herself.

“I have always flirted with magic, but never through the lens of intentional partnership with water. What a game-changer! For me, the Magic Water Workbook was an elixir of sacred connection, child-like wonder, a delightfully fun time, & an insightful connection to my ancestors. It was great to dive in each day, & create a habit of sacred water connection/co-creation that continues to unfold as a regular practice for me. It was also incredibly neat to get insights into the magical water practices held by each of my lineages-the Celtic & the Indigenous Mexican. Thank you for this work, Isabel.”
~Kaya Shannon

"Before this workbook, I always thought that "water witchcraft" was some kind of modern new age practice. But seeing the ancient Celtic roots and indigenous shamanic practices behind it even as I was learning the techniques was really cool, and helped me connect more with my own ancestors which I think made my magic even more effective. I did some of the spells at the end and was really amazed actually, like I could definitely see how they affected my life. Water magic is real! And this workbook 100% teaches you how to do it.

~Sarah G. Walters

🕯 Weave the mystical effects of Water into your life on every level.

🔮 Invite her into alchemical play & shamanic co-creation, also known as MAGIC! 

Sneak Peak of What You’ll Find Inside:

💧 Explore the ancient roots & indigenous shamanic practices around Water Magic.

💧 Partner with Water through Dreamwork. 

💧 Learn the Phases & Allotropes of Water Magic.

💧 Craft your own ceremonies, spells, & rituals with the aid of empowering outlines & guides.

💧 Discover the “types” of Water along with their magical properties & uses.

💧 How to “schedule” your water magic to amplify your unique potent practices.


🐚 Uplift your life & manifestations practices with the unlimited possibilities of water.

Grab yourself a copy of the Magic Water Workbook today. Shift your relationship with life, water, & ancestral elemental practices one day at a time. ♡

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